Welcome to Chika’s Kitchen

Chika's journey exemplifies the power of combination across cultures and continents, demonstrating how the best of Japan's craftsmanship, Germany's design excellence, and California's innovation can come together to create something truly extraordinary.

Currently residing in Los Angeles, California, classical saxophone virtuoso introduces the charm of Los Angeles' food culture and international cooking. Thankfully, her partner, Alexander does not disappoint Chika with his appetite and his love for gastronomy. His background is also unique- half Korean & half Iranian American who speaks English, Chinese, French, Spanish, Italian, and Japanese, making it a total of six languages! Even though they both spent majority of their lives in America, they have always been exposed to various cultures since childhood. In the diverse food culture of Los Angeles, they delight in discovering new flavors at restaurants, markets, and friends' homes from various nations, as well as cooking with ingredients from different countries and regions. Exploring different cuisines is a great way to discover myriad of flavors, ingredients, and cooking techniques which stimulates creativity. Furthermore, cooking and eating well are not just about satisfying hunger; they are powerful expressions of creativity that nourish both body and soul, enriching our lives and inspiring us to explore new realms of imagination and innovation.
Looking forward to spilling the beans (and the spices!) about all the healthy and delicious chaos brewing in my kitchen!

JAPANESE | 日本語: 日本生まれ、ヨーロッパ育ち、アメリカ・ロサンゼルス在住のクラシックサクソフォン奏者が紹介するロサンゼルスの食文化の魅力、そしてインターナショナルクッキング。パートナーのアレックスは英語、中国語、フランス語、スペイン語、イタリア語、日本語の6カ国語を操るアジア系+イラン系ハーフのアメリカ人。2人ともアメリカでの生活が長いものの昔から色々なカルチャーの中で生活してきたので、日本文化はもちろん、未知の文化に触れるのが大好き。インターナショナルな食文化が多彩なロサンゼルスでさまざまな国のレストラン、マーケット、友人のお家などで新たな味覚に会い、またそれぞれの国や地域の食材を手に入れてお家でお料理するのが楽しみ。音楽とはまた違う集中力が養われる時間でもあります。ここでは私のキッチンでのアクションをご紹介します。

  • Start from Appreciation- Acknowledging the food and those involved in its preparation

    • “Itadakimasu” (Japanese word for expressing gratitude before a meal)

  • I am what I eat - Food is what makes me “ME”

  • Be curious - 5 Ws and H

  • Less carbs/sugar, more protein, good fat, and seasonal veggies

  • Drink good water

  • Support local farmers and vendors

  • Don’t be too strict on following strict eating habits. It’s okay to indulge sometime :)

Eating Philosophy

  • Find ways to make cooking time enjoyable

  • Be adventurous

  • Organize cooking procedure to save time & energy

  • Use ingredients efficiently

  • Use good water

  • Less sugar & moderate sodium

Cooking Philosophy